Constitutional law is a set of legal norms regulating basic social relations, the leading branch of the legal system. The norms of constitutional law determine the socio-economic, political and territorial structure of the state, the order of its relations with the institutions of civil society, the basic principles of the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens and individuals, the system of state authorities. In a number of countries (including the Republic of Uzbekistan), the concept of state law is used to designate this legal sphere.

In order to bring such information to students, improve their legal and political culture under the guidance of the Head of the Compliance Control System Management Department for Anti-corruption at the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages Sh.Mamazhonov and the Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of the Faculty of English Philology, Teaching Methods and Translation Studies H. Mamatkulov held a round table on the topic: “do you know your constitutional right?”

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