Scientific council

The institute has created a digital scientific council that awards scientific degrees (PhD)

According to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Science and Scientific Activities”, “Regulations on the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and “Regulations on the Scientific Council for Awarding Academic Degrees” based on the appeal of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the recommendations of the Expert Council for Philological Research of the Higher Attestation Commission, based on the implementation of the decision of the order of the Higher Attestation Commission No. 330/2:

The Scientific Council for the award of degrees at the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages on   PhD.03/29.12.2022.Phil.156.01 is allowed to defend dissertations for scientific degrees in the following specialties: 

10.00.04 – Language and literature of the peoples of Europe, America and Australia.

10.00.06 – “Comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation studies”;

10.00.11 – “Theory of language. Applied and Computational Linguistics”.

– The composition of the Scientific Council was approved according to the following list:

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Yuklab olish

Andijon davlat chet tillari instituti huzuridagi PhD.03/29.12.2022.Fil.156.01 raqamli ilmiy kengash qoshida ilmiy seminar tarkibi ham tasdiqlandi:


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Yuklab olish

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