Social humanities, pedagogy and psychology



Head of the department. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Phone: +998 97 324 74 54


Reception days: every day



History of the department

             Based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2022 No. PQ-265 on the establishment of the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages was established. The department of “Social humanities, pedagogy and psychology” was established as part of the faculty of Romano-Germanic and Slavic languages. Associate Professor A. Teshaboyev was appointed head of the department.


Activities of the department            

Currently, 17 professors-teachers are working in the department of “Social humanitarian sciences, pedagogy and psychology”. Among them: 6 candidates of sciences, 1 candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, 1 candidate of history, associate professor, 1 associate professor of psychology, 2 persons with a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences, 1 person with legal sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) In addition, there are 1 senior teacher, 10 teachers, 3 of them are trainee teachers.The scientific potential of the department is 35,29%, and the department has general pedagogy, general psychology, the latest history of Uzbekistan, philosophy, religious studies, physical education and sports, youth physiology and hygiene, digital and information technologies in education, and the development of civil society. such subjects as concept are taught.


Tasks before the department            

The team of the department is tasked with carrying out educational, educational-methodical, scientific-research, spiritual-educational work using modern information technologies and foreign best practices in the teaching of social and humanitarian sciences. At the same time, in order to improve the scientific activity and potential of the department, in order to increase the number of doctors of science and doctors of philosophy in pedagogic sciences, the mentor-student tradition has been systematically implemented.Priority directions of scientific research activity of the department             The department conducts research in the following promising research areas, and professors-teachers conduct research on the problems of digitalization of the teacher’s creative and innovative activities (by fields):            

The main topic of ITI: “Improving the system of development of creative and innovative activities of the teacher (by fields)”;            

Additional ITI topic: “Issues of effective organization and digitization of the teacher’s educational process (by fields)”.

Areas and specializations responsible for the department:

Textbooks and study guidesA number of textbooks and training manuals have been created by professors and teachers of the department. Among them: textbook “General pedagogy” by A. Teshaboyev, M. Mirzakarimova, M. Ishanova, textbook “General pedagogy ” by D. Umnov in Russian, textbook “Criminal procedural law” by F. Dumayev. .” Age-related psychology ” Russian language study guide by N. Kasimova, “General pedagogy (Theory of pedagogy)” study guide by M. Mirzakarimova in English, “General pedagogy” study guide by M. Ishanova study guides have been published.


Fields of study:

  • 60111800 – “Foreign language and literature (English)” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching: English ” Course of Study
  • 60230200 – “Theory and practice of translation: English ” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching: English ” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching: France” Course of Study
  • 60111800 – “Foreign language and literature: Russian” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching (Russian)” Course of Study
  • 60230200 – “Theory and practice of translation: Russian ” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching (Arabic language)” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching (Korean language)” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching (Chinese language)” Course of Study
  • 60230100 – “Philology and language teaching (Japanese language)” Course of Study
  • 60112600 – “English in preschool and primary education ” Course of Study
  • 5111400 – “Foreign language and literature (English, Deutsche, France)” Course of Study;

Educational specialties:

  • 70230101 – Linguistics (English)
  • 70230201 – Comparative linguistics, linguistic translation studies (English language)
  • 70111801 – Foreign language and literature (English, German, French)


List of subjects taught at the department

For students of educational fields:

  1. General pedagogy
  2. Pedagogical diagnostics in education
  3. General psychology
  4. Psychology of preschool and elementary children
  5. Digital information technologies
  6. Application of information technologies in the field
  7. Media literacy and information culture
  8. Higher mathematics
  9. Age physiology and hygiene
  10. Philosophy
  11. Religious studies
  12. History of Uzbekistan
  13. The latest history of Uzbekistan
  14. Uzbekistan and the Silk Road: art and archeology
  15. Uzbekistan in the world community
  16. World history
  17. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan as amended
  18. Reforms in the educational system of the new development strategy of Uzbekistan
  19. Professional spirituality


List of professors and teachers of the department

  1. Teshaboyev Akramjon
  2. Mirzakarimova Makhliyokhon
  3. Tokhtasinova Gulbakhor
  4. Ishanova Mukhayo
  5. Kasimova Nargiza
  6. Nasritdinov Kabiljon
  7. Dumaev Faizullo
  8. Rahmonov Utkir
  9. Sirojiddinova Sokhiba
  10. Alieva Ranakhan
  11. Madaminov Zakhidjon
  12. Teshabayev Allayorjon
  13. Dumarova Gulfira
  14. Mamadaliev Muzaffarjon
  15. Sobirova Mahmuda
  16. Kholmurotov Jahangir
  17. Raupova Mushtariybegim


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