English language and literature (d)


Current department was established by the head of the institution (professor M.E.Umarkhojayev) on the basis of the fiat of 17th August, 1966 number B № 81-L.

Since this date, a number of professors and teachers have worked as the head of the department. In particular, Abduvaliev Makhammadjon Arabovich, candidate of philological sciences, Professor between 1996-1998, Khoshimov Ganijan Mirzaakhmedovich, doctor of philological sciences, professor between 1998-2005, Juraev Komil Juraevich, doctor of philological sciences, professor from 2005 to 2007, Umirzakov Toirjon Begalievich, candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor between 2007-2008, and finally Vositov Valijan Abduvahobovich, doctor of Philological sciences associate professor, has been in charge since 2016.

 The aim of the department is to improve translation work within the institute, at the regional and national levels, to meet local needs for it, as well as to teach students such subjects as comprehensive teaching of foreign languages, familiarity with world literature, Romance-Germanic philology, as well as special areas of the department.

Currently, changes have been made to some subjects administered by the department, and they are taught to students by experienced specialists.


Aims set by the department:

The team of the department is tasked with training competent bachelors and masters in the field of modern information technology; conducting educational, educational-methodological, research and educational work.


Specialties and areas under the department:
Educational areas:

60111800 – Foreign Language and Literature (English language)

60230100 – Philology and Language Teaching (English language)

60230200 – Theory and Practice of Translation (English language)

60230100 – Philology and Language Teaching (German language)

60230100 – Philology and Language Teaching (French language)

60230100 – Philology and Language Teaching (Russian language)

60111800 – Foreign Language and Literature (Russian language)

60230200 – Theory and Practice of Translation (Russian language)

60112600 – Teaching English in Preschool and Primary Education

Courses offered by the department (for Bachelor’s students):

  1. Integrating English skills
  2. Integrated course of teaching English
  3. Home reading
  4. Introduction to Romano-Germanic Philology
  5. Developing skills to obtain language proficiency skills (IELTS)
  6. English reading and writing practice
  7. Integrated course of teaching foreign languages
  8. Foreign language (second language)

Courses offered by the department (for Master’s students):

  1. Methodology of teaching special subjects
  2. Comparative literary studies
  3. Comparative typology of cultures


The list of professors and teachers of the department:





Vositov Valijon Abduvaxobovich

Head of the department


Mahmudova Nilufar Ravhsanovna

Associate Professor


Umirzaqov Qodirjon Toyirjonovich

Teacher (PhD)


Raxmonova Gulchexra Ne’matovna

Senior Teacher (PhD)


Ismoilov Abdurashid Isaqovich



Otajonov Botirjon Ashuraliyevich



Uliqova Mavluda Sotvoldiyevna



Zaynobiddinova Gulbaxor Baxtiyorovna



Baxriddinov Muslimbek Muxiddinovich



Yaqubjonova Ro’zixon Mirkomil qizi



Abduraimova Maxliyo Valijon qizi



Boltaboyeva Nargiza Muxammedovna



To’xtasinova Durdona Tolibjon qizi



Xonturayeva Sayxuna Abdupatto qizi



Maxsudova Xosiyatxon Utkirbek qizi



Topics of scientific research:

  1. Poetics of the fiction world of the writer in the stories of Abdullah Kahhor and Jack London.
  2. The role and importance of nonverbal means in modern guide-translator and tourism communication (in the example of English and Uzbek).
  3. English-medium instruction at tertiary level in Uzbekistan: Policy, challenges and benefits.
  4. Paradigmatics and syntagmatics of gradation in English and Uzbek.
  5. Lingvo-culturological and linguopragmatic study of the means of expression of the concept of blood-kinship in English and Uzbek.


Creating textbooks and tutorial papers:

  • X.Abdullayev – Integrated course of teaching foreign languages: classroom language (Tutorial paper).
  • M.Bahriddinov – World literature (Tutorial paper).
  • M.Boltaboyeva – Classification and geography of tourism (Tutorial paper).


Vositov Valijon Abduvaxobovich

Head of the department, doctor of filological sciences (DSc), associate professor

Telephone: +998934496109

E-mail: vositovvalijon7@gmail.com 

Reception days: every day from 9.00 to 18.00




Labor activity of the head of the department:

1992-1997 years – Student at Namangan State University.

1997-1998 years – Teacher at the school number 13 in Uchkurgan district, Namangan    region.

1998-1999 years – Intern-researcher at Andijan State Pedagogical Institute of Languages

1999-2002 years – Graduate student of Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

2003-2004 years – Teacher of the Department of English Lexics and Stylistics of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute of Languages.                           

2004-2010 years – Senior Teacher of the Department of English Lexics and Stylistics of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute of Languages.                           

08.06.2010 – 02.09.2010 years – Acting dean of the Faculty of English language and literature, Andijan State Pedagogical Institute   

02.09. 2010 – 03.12.2010 years – Deputy dean of 1-3 year students at Andijan State University Faculty of foreign languages English language and literature,                                               

2010-2015 years – Senior Lecturer, Department of English grammar and language practice, Faculty of foreign languages, Andijan State University

2014-2016 years –  Senior Lecturer, Department of phonetics and lexics of English, Faculty of foreign languages, Andijan State University

29.09.2016 – 26.12.216 years -Temporary acting head of the Department of English language and literature, Faculty of foreign languages, Andijan State University

26.12.2016 – 30.06.2022 years – Head of the Department of English language and literature, Faculty of foreign languages, Andijan State University

From 05.09.2022 until now. Head of the Department of English language and literature, Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages


Position instructions:

  • Head of the department
  • Professor of the department
  • Associate professor of the department
  • Assistant of the department
  • Senior teacher of the department
  • Teacher of the department
  • Trainee-teacher of the department
  • Head of the cabinet of the department
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